Relevant Experience

Shopify, Remote — Account Executive, SMB

August 2021 - PRESENT

  • Led team of 7 to become top performers within the SMB sales team by increasing sales 30%

  • Used industry knowledge and previous entrepreneur experience to clearly communicate the benefits of Shopify’s financial products to prospective clients.

  • Mentored 3 aspiring sales specialists using personal and professional experience to help them navigate their careers.

  • Employed A/B testing to investigate most effective email communication strategies.

Prolegis Solutions, Remote — Director of Sales

September 2020 - August 2021

  • Increased revenue 10x in less than a year by identifying correct buyer persona and tailoring communications to appeal to that persona.

  • Scaled internal process to support monthly transaction increase from 100 to 1,800 without sacrificing quality

  • Acted as conduit between development, product and client in order to ensure product market fit.

  • Participated in SCRUM rituals to ensure client problems were clearly understood and validate possible solutions, building a technical foundation including basic understanding of API’s.

Natural Mattress & Furniture, Calgary — Co-founder

September 2016 - June 2020

  • Designed, tested, prototyped and created manufacturing processes for all new mattresses

  • Developed go to market strategy including SEO, product branding, blog content and more

  • Established annual feedback loop across leadership to evaluate performance over the past year against key milestones and metrics and to develop strategy for the next year.

  • Increased value of business 13x in 4 years and maintained profitability after first year in business. Utilized agile methodologies during the product lifecycle allowing for just-in-time delivery and low operating costs

  • Listened to our customers to continuously deliver value resulting in >30 five-star reviews and no returns in 4 years.

  • Analyzed and interpreted website data from Google Analytics to craft a effective Ecommerce and digital marketing strategy

Calgary Sport & Entertainment, Calgary — Account Executive

October 2014 - September 2015

  • Executed an effective sales strategy by researching and understanding the demographics and buying motivations of fans which led to being a high performer and hitting all quotas.

  • Developed game night experiences (an experience product) for various group ticket buyers that involved planning and coordinating with multiple stakeholders

Lethbridge Hurricanes, Lethbridge — Account Executive & Game Night Coordinator

May 2012 - May 2013

  • Created, planned and executed game night promotions and entertainment. This involved coordinating and communicating with multiple stakeholders in the arena and having several contingency options, as game night planning needed to be flexible and adaptable to be consistently well executed.

  • Used quantitative sales data and trends to create a plan to sellout several strategic opportunities. Executing this plan led to 4 sellouts, the first sellouts in over 5 seasons.